November's Heartful Stories!
Six #1MinuteStories that rejuvenated our spirits all through November.
Here's a wrap of the bounce-back month!
1. On a timeless, heartful lesson from my great pal in 'Filter Coffees with Anuj'
2. The face behind 'India's Sensational Splash'. Will get you refreshed even now!
3. A great set of artists show the world on living life king size in 'The Fiesty Demon and the Hearty Laugh'
4. A fighter pilot with a heart of candies. Flying dangerous sorties into a war zone to keep thousands of kids happy through their darkest times! 'Berlin Candy Bomber' is a story for the ages!
5. The worst decisions happen when there are too many unclear choices. 'Analysis of Paralysis' is our life story every moment.
6. Courage, most often is more than firing a gun. 'Karambir's saga continues to shake us up.
We are 40 stories rich now! Thanks to you, my reader!
Stories, that must have, at times gladdend your hearts or flinched them a bit. Told you something you didn’t know or gave it another perspective. But at all times, the biggest objective of #1MuinuteStories is to build a repertoire of stories that you can use at any point of time to story your point!
Lot of you have have written in to ask ‘How can we use these stories?’ !
It’s a great question! A question, perhaps I was waiting to hear to get started on a new series of posts on exactly that:
‘The Art and Science of Business Storytelling’. A new series on how we can use the power of storyrelling to inspire, engage, influence or just entertain!
Meanwhile, I have just one request of you! Please share this newsletter with folks you know and the ones who love great stories or benefit from them!
Thank you! And Cheers to a Great Festive December !